S4:E10. Are Your CHILDHOOD MONEY BELIEFS Blocking Your Success in Life and Business?
Aug 16, 2023
Were you taught to believe that MONEY IS BAD? Does it cause you STRESS? Maybe you feel the SCARCITY of there never being enough?
Listen to this week’s episode, “Are Your CHILDHOOD MONEY BELIEFS Blocking Your Success in Life and Business?” to learn about common money blocks and how to overcome them.
Highlights from this Episode S4:E10 Podcast:
00:00 - Introduction: Are Your Childhood Money Beliefs Blocking Your Success in Life and Business?
00:32 - The Law of Attraction and its Impact on Your Financial Success
01:59 - Understanding Your Money Operating System and How it Affects Your Beliefs
04:02 - The Top Three Money Blocks: Money is Bad, Money is Scarce, Money Causes Stress
06:01 - The Downward Spiral Growth Curve: Working Hard but Not Getting Results
08:01 - Recognizing Your Money Beliefs: What Did Your Parents Teach You About Money?
10:02 - Reframing Negative Money Beliefs: Finding Counter Evidence
11:32 - The Inner Power Formula: Recognize, Reframe, Repeat to Reprogram
14:02 - The Importance of Repetition in Reprogramming Your Money Mindset
15:55 - Using AffirMantras to Shift Your Beliefs and Feelings About Money
17:40 - Taking Different Actions to Reinforce Positive Money Beliefs
19:08 - Recap: Using the Inner Power Formula to Eliminate Money Blocks
20:06 - Upleveling Your Money Vibe and Becoming Wealth Conscious
20:30 - Action Step: Download "I Am A Money Magnet" Book for Further Guidance
If we have negative feelings or thoughts about money, we are creating resistance and sending out a confused signal to the universe. These feelings and beliefs about money get programmed in childhood, but there is a way to reprogram your money mindset.
Let's align our energy, mindset, and business growth habits to create a powerful outer world of success!
🎧 Listen Now: S4:E10. Are Your CHILDHOOD MONEY BELIEFS Blocking Your Success in Life and Business?